Ceremony Details
Date: Saturday, May 3, 2025
Time: 10:00 am
Venue: Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts
Live stream: HMC 2025 Viewing Link
Students: Submitting Attendance Plans
Who is eligible to participate in the Honors Medals Ceremony?
Students who have earned the distinction of Honors Scholar, University Honors Laureate, and/or University Scholar candidate whose graduation date is December 2024, May 2025, August 2025, or December 2025.
How do I confirm my participation in the Honors Medals Ceremony?
Use the following form to indicate whether you will or will not be participating in the ceremony: HMC RSVP Form 2025
Is a response required for participation in the ceremony?
Yes, a response submitted via the form above is required for participation in the ceremony.
Is there a deadline to confirm my participation in the ceremony?
Yes, you must submit your response by April 19, 2025.
Is participation in the ceremony required?
No, participation is not required.
Do I need to let anyone know if I will not be participating in the ceremony?
Yes, if you are unable to attend the ceremony, we ask that you submit the response form using the link above so that our participation list reflects that you will not be in attendance.
Once the registration form is submitted, how can I make a change to my attendance plans or my guest count?
Please send attendance plan changes and guest count changes to rsvp@uconn.edu. In email subject line: HMC 2025. In body of email include: student full name, original attendance plan and/or guest count, and updated plan/guest count change.
How can I get my medal(s) if I am unable to participate in the ceremony?
Beginning Monday, May 5, (9am-4pm), you may pick up your medal and event program at the Honors and Enrichment Program Main Office (ROWE 419). If you have questions regarding acquiring your medal, please contact honors@uconn.edu
Faculty, Staff and Administrators: Submitting Attendance Plans
How do I confirm my attendance at the Honors Medals Ceremony?
Use the following form to indicate whether you will or will not be attending the ceremony: HMC RSVP Form 2025
Are faculty, staff and administrators required to submit the RSVP form?
Yes, a response submitted via the form above is required for attendance in order for us to plan appropriately.
Is there a deadline to confirm my attendance at the ceremony?
Kindly submit your response by April 19, 2025.
Once the registration form is submitted, how can I make a change to my attendance plans?
Please send attendance plan changes to rsvp@uconn.edu. In email subject line: HMC 2025. In body of email include name, original attendance plan and updated plan.
Are tickets required for this ceremony?
No tickets are issued for this ceremony; however, the venue does have a seating capacity, and your response will help us plan accordingly. There will be a reserved seating section for faculty, staff and administrators who submit the RSVP form by April 19.
Ceremony Logistics
How long is the ceremony?
The ceremony typically runs 2 hours.
Will student names be read during the ceremony?
Yes, the names of students in attendance will be read from cards during the ceremony.
Will a hard copy of the Honors Medals Ceremony event program be available?
Yes. Each scholar will receive a hard copy of the event program on their seat at Jorgensen. Additional copies will be available to guests inside the auditorium on a first come first served basis.
Students: Ceremony Instructions
Honors Medals Ceremony 2025
Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts
Saturday, May 3, 2023, 10:00 am
Estimated run time: 2 hrs.
Parking and Arrival
- Parking in the North Parking Garage will be complimentary during this ceremony. All surface lots are also free during the weekend.
- Doors to Jorgensen will open at 9:00 am.
- Scholars should arrive at 9:00 am.
- UConn has implemented the use of metal detectors at all ceremony venues.
- Bags and backpacks larger than 10″ x 10″ are prohibited. Small bags and purses are permitted. An exception will be made for medically necessary items and diaper bags after proper inspection. All bags are subject to search.
- Balloons are not permitted inside the building.
What to Bring/What Not to Bring
- You must wear your regalia (gown only, no caps).
- Pharm D. students are welcome to wear the Pharm D. robe.
- Students are welcome to wear all the distinctions (ex. cords, stoles, pins) to celebrate the day.
- Leave belongings at home or with a guest. There is no place to secure them.
Check-in Process
Scholars Arrive at 9:00 am.
Scholars will enter via the lobby of the Harriet S. Jorgensen Theater ("the little theater"). The doors are located on the back side of Jorgensen, facing Auditorium Road, across from the Engineering II Building. Please allow extra time to navigate to this location. This is a Scholar only entrance. Guests will be redirected to the main doors on Hillside Road.
- Pick up your name card (Harriett S. Jorgensen lobby)
- Line up (Lower level of Jorgensen)
- Staff will direct.
- University Scholars will line up together (in assigned numerical order).
- University Honors Laureates will line up together in a designated location (no alpha order).
- Honors Scholars will line up in two lines (no alpha order).
Processional and Program
- University Scholars: Seated on stage (by school/college, in alpha order).
- University Honors Laureates: Seated in designated section, row seating on the floor of the auditorium.
- Honors Scholars: Seated in designated sections, row seating on floor of the auditorium.
The ceremony begins with a processional and speaking program, followed by the presentation of medals in the following order:
University Scholars
University Honors Laureates
Honors Scholars
Do I need to wear regalia at the ceremony?
Student Scholars are required to wear academic regalia (gown only, no caps) to participate in the Honors Medals Ceremony. Students must order from the bookstore (see below for additional information).
Members of the platform party (faculty/staff/administrators with roles in the ceremony) are required to wear academic regalia.
Faculty and staff members who plan to attend the ceremony as a guest DO NOT need to wear regalia. Business or business casual attire is suggested for this event.
How do I order my regalia?
Please visit the Oak Hall website to place your regalia order. Place your order ASAP to ensure you have your regalia before the ceremony. Reminder: students participating in the HMC need their regalia a FULL week prior to commencement ceremonies. Do not delay placing your order.
You may also purchase your regalia in person at the Avery Point, Hartford, Stamford, and Storrs Bookstore locations beginning in early April.
Can cords and stoles be worn?
Yes, students are welcome to wear all the distinctions (ex. cords, stoles, pins) to celebrate the day.
How do I register my guests for the ceremony?
Students MUST register their guest count via the ceremony RSVP form. Guests are NOT eligible to register themselves.
How many guests can I bring to the ceremony?
While we are not restricting the number of guests a student can bring, there are seat limits due to the capacity of Jorgensen. You will be asked to indicate guest count when you complete the registration form. This is a general admission event, first come, first served. This is not a ticketed ceremony.
Once the RSVP form is submitted, how can I make a change to my attendance plans or my guest count?
Please send attendance plan changes and guest count changes to rsvp@uconn.edu. In email subject line: HMC 2025. In body of email include student full name, original attendance plan and/or guest count, and updated plan/guest count change.
Are there tickets for this ceremony?
No, tickets will not be issued for the ceremony. Upon successfully submitting the RSVP form, an email confirmation will be sent to the student. Check your spam/junk folder.
Directions and Parking
Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts
2132 Hillside Road
Storrs, CT 06269
Free parking will be available in the North Garage (103 North Eagleville Road, Storrs, CT) during this event. Weekend parking is also free in campus surface lots in any space not designated as reserved, restricted, or limited.
Individuals who Require Drop Off:
Individuals who require drop off due to mobility/accessibility needs may utilize the cutout in the curb in front of Jorgensen on Hillside Road. The best approach to the cutout is to use Glenbrook Road and turn right onto Hillside Road. Following drop off, the driver should immediately proceed to parking.
Handicapped accessible parking is available by Jorgensen on Glenbrook Road, across the street from Jorgensen in the Admissions Building parking lot, and on the ground floor of the North Parking Garage. State issued placard or plate required.
Venue: Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts
What time will the doors to Jorgensen be open to the public?
The doors to Jorgensen will open at 9:00 am.
Will my bag be checked?
All bags will be checked upon entry at Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts.
For the safety of all, bags and backpacks larger than 10" x 10" are prohibited in the theater. Small bags and purses are permitted. An exception will be made for medically necessary items and diaper bags after proper inspection. All bags are subject to search.
Consistent with national best practices, UConn will implement the use of metal detectors at all ceremony venues.
You will be asked to remove cameras, cell phones, headwear, keys, and other large metal objects.
You will not need to remove belts, coins, wallets, watches/jewelry.
Can I bring food/beverages into Jorgensen?
With the exception of water, outside food and beverages are NOT permitted in Jorgensen. Snacks and beverages will not be available for purchase.
Are balloons allowed in Jorgensen?
Balloons are NOT permitted in Jorgensen. Guests will be asked to leave them outside of the venue or return them to their vehicle.
Individuals who Require Drop Off:
Individuals who require drop off due to accessibility needs may utilize the cutout in the curb in front of Jorgensen on Hillside Road. The best approach to the cutout is to use Glenbrook Road and turn right onto Hillside Road. Jorgensen will be on your immediate right side. Following drop off, the driver should immediately proceed to parking.
Handicapped accessible parking is available by Jorgensen on Glenbrook Road, across the street from Jorgensen in the Admissions parking lot, and on the ground floor of the North Parking Garage. State issued placard or plate required.
- Handicapped accessible seating is available on the main level of the Auditorium. For details, please read the Accommodations for People with Disabilities FAQ tab.
- Wheelchair accessible restrooms are located in the Jorgensen Lower Lobby.
- Elevator service is available from the Jorgensen Main Lobby to the Lower Lobby only. There is no elevator service to seats in the mezzanine or lower and upper balconies.
- Sign language interpreting services and CART services will be provided at this event.
- Assistive Listening System is available free of charge from the Jorgensen Front Office.
Accommodations for People with Disabilities
Student Scholars requesting an accommodation to participate in this ceremony should indicate details when completing the RSVP form or by contacting University Events and Conference Services at rsvp@uconn.edu or 860-486-1038. Requests should be made by April 19, 2025.
Ample handicap accessible seating is available for guests in Jorgensen. To be equitable and meet the needs of everyone who requires an accommodation to attend this event, accessible seats will be marked in pairs, with one seat allocated for the individual with the need and one seat allocated for an individual to assist. Other members of the group will be responsible for securing their own seats. Guest seating for this event is general admission and we do not maintain lists for these seats. Event staff will be in the lobby and will direct guests to available accessible seating. Doors will open at 9:00 am. If a member of the group requires accessible seating, we ask that they arrive as close to 9:00 am as possible. This will allow time to navigate traffic, crowds, and allow our staff to assist. Sign language interpreting service and CART service will be provided at this event.
- Handicapped accessible parking is available in the North Garage.
- Handicapped seating is available only on the main level of the Auditorium.
- Wheelchair accessible restrooms are located in the Jorgensen Lower Lobby.
- Elevator service is available only from the Jorgensen Main Lobby to the Lower Lobby. There is no elevator service to seats in the mezzanine or lower and upper balconies.
- Sign language interpreting services and CART services will be provided at this event.
- Assistive Listening System is available free of charge from the Jorgensen Front Office.
Live Stream
Will the ceremony be streamed live?
Yes, the ceremony will be streamed live via the following link: HMC 2025 Viewing Link
Will the ceremony be recorded?
Yes, the ceremony will be recorded, and the same link may be used to view the recording on-demand.
Picking Up Medals
How can I get my medal(s) if I am unable to participate in the ceremony?
If you have indicated you are unable to attend, you may pick up your medal and event program at the Honors and Enrichment Program Main Office (Rowe 419) beginning Monday, May 5, 2025 (9am - 4pm). If you have questions regarding acquiring your medal, please contact honors@uconn.edu
Professional Event Photographs for Download
A professional photographer will be on site during the ceremony. Photographs will be available for download via the link below. 30-40 "preview" photos will be uploaded within a few days of the ceremony. An email will be sent to students when all images are available for download.
Link: Link will be added following ceremony
Password: password will be added following ceremony